Title |
V |
N |
Date |
PB |
PE |
Authors |
Citations/ Year |
Risk and return: The case of merging firms | 1 |
4 |
Dec-74 | 303 |
336 |
G. Mandelker |
7.5 |
The effects of dividend yield and dividend policy on common stock prices and returns | 1 |
1 |
May-74 | 1 |
22 |
F. Black, M.S. Scholes |
6.2 |
Price performance of common stock new issues | 2 |
3 |
Sep-75 | 235 |
272 |
R.G. Ibbotson |
6.3 |
Optimal rules for ordering uncertain prospects | 2 |
1 |
Mar-75 | 95 |
121 |
V.S. Bawa |
4.8 |
Theory of the firm: Managerial behavior, agency costs and ownership structure | 3 |
4 |
Oct-76 | 305 |
360 |
M.C. Jensen, W.H. Meckling |
195.8 |
Option pricing when underlying stock returns are discontinuous | 3 |
1 |
Jan-76 | 125 |
144 |
R.C. Merton |
24.9 |
The valuation of options for alternative stochastic processes | 3 |
1 |
Jan-76 | 145 |
166 |
J.C. Cox, S.A. Ross |
18.6 |
The pricing of commodity contracts | 3 |
1 |
Jan-76 | 167 |
179 |
F. Black |
16.7 |
A critique of the asset pricing theory's tests: Part I: On past and potential testability of the theory | 4 |
2 |
Mar-77 | 129 |
176 |
R. Roll |
18.7 |
Options: A Monte Carlo approach | 4 |
3 |
May-77 | 323 |
338 |
P.P. Boyle |
5.4 |
Determinants of corporate borrowing | 5 |
2 |
Nov-77 | 147 |
176 |
S.C. Myers |
44.1 |
An equilibrium characterization of the term structure | 5 |
2 |
Nov-77 | 177 |
188 |
O.A. Vasicek |
29.6 |
Estimating betas from nonsynchronous data | 5 |
3 |
Dec-77 | 309 |
328 |
M.S. Scholes, J. Williams |
21.4 |
Asset returns and inflation | 5 |
2 |
Nov-77 | 115 |
146 |
E.F. Fama, G.W. Schwert |
15.0 |
Some anomalous evidence regarding market efficiency | 6 |
2 |
Jun-78 | 95 |
102 |
M.C. Jensen |
5.9 |
Anomalies in relationships between securities yields and yield surrogates | 6 |
2 |
Jun-78 | 103 |
126 |
R. Ball |
4.3 |
Option pricing: A simplified approach | 7 |
3 |
Sep-79 | 229 |
264 |
J.C. Cox, S.A. Ross, M. Rubinstein |
27.4 |
On financial contracting: An analysis of bond covenants | 7 |
2 |
Jun-79 | 117 |
162 |
C.W. Smith, J.B. Warner |
20.2 |
An intertemporal asset pricing model with stochastic consumption and investment opportunities | 7 |
3 |
Sep-79 | 265 |
296 |
D.T. Breeden |
18.3 |
Risk measurement when shares are subject to infrequent trading | 7 |
2 |
Jun-79 | 197 |
226 |
E. Dimson |
13.1 |
Measuring security price performance | 8 |
3 |
Sep-80 | 205 |
258 |
S.J. Brown, J.B. Warner |
18.9 |
On estimating the expected return on the market: An exploratory investigation | 8 |
4 |
Dec-80 | 323 |
362 |
R.C. Merton |
17.2 |
Optimal capital structure under corporate and personal taxation | 8 |
1 |
Mar-80 | 3 |
30 |
H. DeAngelo, R.W. Masulis |
12.6 |
The relationship between return and market value of common stocks | 9 |
1 |
Mar-81 | 3 |
18 |
R.W. Banz |
22.9 |
Misspecification of capital asset pricing: Empirical anomalies based on earnings' yields and market values | 9 |
1 |
Mar-81 | 19 |
46 |
M.R. Reinganum |
9.4 |
The stochastic behavior of common stock variances: Value, leverage and interest rate effects | 10 |
4 |
Dec-82 | 407 |
432 |
A.A. Christie |
12.4 |
Multivariate tests of financial models: A new approach | 10 |
1 |
Mar-82 | 3 |
28 |
M.R. Gibbons |
5.3 |
The market for corporate control: The scientific evidence | 11 |
1 |
Mar-83 | 5 |
50 |
M.C. Jensen, R.S. Ruback |
29.8 |
On corporate governance: A study of proxy contests | 11 |
1 |
Mar-83 | 401 |
438 |
P. Dodd, J.B. Warner |
10.1 |
Size-related anomalies and stock return seasonality: Further empirical evidence | 12 |
1 |
Jun-83 | 13 |
32 |
D.B. Keim |
12.9 |
Biases in computed returns: An application to the size effect | 12 |
3 |
Oct-83 | 387 |
404 |
M.E. Blume, R.F. Stambaugh |
6.9 |
Corporate financing and investment decisions when firms have information that investors do not have | 13 |
2 |
Jun-84 | 187 |
222 |
S.C. Myers, S. Majluf |
73.1 |
The effect of capital structure on a firm's liquidation decision | 13 |
1 |
Mar-84 | 137 |
152 |
S. Titman |
7.0 |
Using daily stock returns: The case of event studies | 14 |
1 |
Mar-85 | 3 |
32 |
S.J. Brown, J.B. Warner |
36.9 |
Bid, ask and transaction prices in a specialist market with heterogeneously informed traders | 14 |
1 |
Mar-85 | 71 |
100 |
L.R. Glosten, P.R. Milgrom |
33.4 |
Why new issues are underpriced | 15 |
1 |
Jan-86 | 187 |
212 |
K. Rock |
16.8 |
Investment banking, reputation, and the underpricing of initial public offerings | 15 |
1 |
Jan-86 | 213 |
232 |
R.P. Beatty, J.R. Ritter |
14.7 |
Equity issues and offering dilution | 15 |
1 |
Jan-86 | 61 |
90 |
P. Asquith, D.W. Mullins |
13.0 |
Valuation effects of security offerings and the issuance process | 15 |
1 |
Jan-86 | 31 |
60 |
W.H. Mikkelson, M.M. Partch |
11.2 |
Investment banking and the capital acquisition process | 15 |
1 |
Jan-86 | 3 |
30 |
C.W. Smith |
10.6 |
A transaction data study of weekly and intradaily patterns in stock returns | 16 |
1 |
May-86 | 99 |
118 |
L.E. Harris |
7.5 |
Insiders' profits, costs of trading, and market efficiency | 16 |
2 |
Jun-86 | 189 |
212 |
H. Seyhun |
7.2 |
Asset pricing and the bid-ask spread | 17 |
2 |
Dec-86 | 223 |
250 |
Y. Amihud, H. Mendelson |
25.0 |
Stock return variances: The arrival of information and the reaction of traders | 17 |
1 |
Sep-86 | 5 |
26 |
K.R. French, R. Roll |
15.1 |
Predicting returns in the stock and bond markets | 17 |
2 |
Dec-86 | 357 |
390 |
D.B. Keim, R.F. Stambaugh |
14.3 |
Stock returns and the term structure | 18 |
2 |
Jun-87 | 373 |
400 |
J.Y. Campbell |
17.4 |
The choice of organizational form: The case of franchising | 18 |
2 |
Jun-87 | 401 |
420 |
J.A. Brickley, F.H. Dark |
11.3 |
Expected stock returns and volatility | 19 |
1 |
Sep-87 | 3 |
30 |
K.R. French, G.W. Schwert, R.F. Stambaugh |
26.3 |
Price, trade size, and information in securities markets | 19 |
1 |
Sep-87 | 69 |
90 |
D. Easley, M. O'Hara |
15.0 |
Some evidence on the uniqueness of bank loans | 19 |
2 |
Dec-87 | 217 |
236 |
C.M. James |
13.9 |
Management ownership and market valuation: An empirical analysis | 20 |
1 |
Mar-88 | 293 |
316 |
R. Morck, A. Shleifer, R.W. Vishny |
42.7 |
Outside directors and CEO turnover | 20 |
1 |
Mar-88 | 431 |
460 |
M.S. Weisbach |
28.6 |
Managerial control of voting rights: Financing policies and the market for corporate control | 20 |
1 |
Mar-88 | 25 |
54 |
R.M. Stulz |
18.2 |
Stock prices and top management changes | 20 |
1 |
Mar-88 | 461 |
492 |
J.B. Warner, R.L. Watts, K.H. Wruck |
15.0 |
Ownership structure and voting on antitakeover amendments | 20 |
1 |
Mar-88 | 267 |
292 |
J.A. Brickley, R.C. Lease, C.W. Smith |
11.8 |
Synergistic gains from corporate acquisitions and their division between the stockholders of target and acquiring firms | 21 |
1 |
May-88 | 3 |
40 |
M. Bradley, A. Desai, E.H. Kim |
13.3 |
Estimating the components of the bid/ask spread | 21 |
1 |
May-88 | 123 |
142 |
L.R. Glosten, L.E. Harris |
11.6 |
Dividend yields and expected stock returns | 22 |
1 |
Oct-88 | 3 |
26 |
E.F. Fama, K.R. French |
22.1 |
Mean reversion in stock prices: Evidence and implications | 22 |
1 |
Oct-88 | 27 |
60 |
J.M. Poterba, L.H. Summers |
19.5 |
Signaling by underpricing in the IPO market | 23 |
2 |
Aug-89 | 303 |
324 |
F. Allen, G.R. Faulhaber |
9.5 |
Equity ownership concentration and firm value: Evidence from private equity financings | 23 |
1 |
Jun-89 | 3 |
28 |
K.H. Wruck |
6.7 |
How investment bankers determine the offer price and allocation of new issues | 24 |
2 |
Oct-89 | 343 |
362 |
L.M. Benveniste, P.A. Spindt |
12.2 |
The effects of management buyouts on operating performance and value | 24 |
2 |
Oct-89 | 217 |
254 |
S.N. Kaplan |
11.1 |
Business conditions and expected returns on stocks and bonds | 25 |
1 |
Nov-89 | 23 |
50 |
E.F. Fama, K.R. French |
26.7 |
Management entrenchment: The case of manager-specific investments | 25 |
1 |
Nov-89 | 123 |
140 |
A. Shleifer, R.W. Vishny |
11.5 |
Managerial discretion and optimal financing policies | 26 |
1 |
Jul-90 | 3 |
27 |
R.M. Stulz |
19.4 |
Outside directors, board independence, and shareholder wealth | 26 |
2 |
Aug-90 | 175 |
191 |
S. Rosenstein, J.G. Wyatt |
11.4 |
Additional evidence on equity ownership and corporate value | 27 |
2 |
Oct-90 | 595 |
612 |
J.J. McConnell, H. Servaes |
26.0 |
The structure and governance of venture-capital organizations | 27 |
2 |
Oct-90 | 473 |
521 |
W.A. Sahlman |
18.0 |
Bankruptcy, boards, banks, and blockholders: Evidence on changes in corporate ownership and control when firms default | 27 |
2 |
Oct-90 | 355 |
387 |
S.C. Gilson |
10.9 |
Troubled debt restructurings: An empirical study of private reorganization of firms in default | 27 |
2 |
Oct-90 | 315 |
353 |
S.C. Gilson, K. John, L.H.P. Lang |
10.4 |
The role of banks in reducing the costs of financial distress in Japan | 27 |
1 |
Sep-90 | 67 |
88 |
T. Hoshi, A. Kashyap, D. Scharfstein |
10.2 |
A comparative analysis of IPO proceeds under alternative regulatory environments | 28 |
1 |
Nov-90 | 173 |
207 |
L.M. Benveniste, W.J. Wilhelm |
3.2 |
Borrowing relationships, intermediation, and the cost of issuing public securities | 28 |
1 |
Nov-90 | 149 |
171 |
C.M. James, P. Wier |
2.6 |
The consumption of stockholders and nonstockholders | 29 |
1 |
Mar-91 | 97 |
112 |
N.G. Mankiw, S.P. Zeldes |
9.8 |
A test of the free cash flow hypothesis: The case of bidder returns | 29 |
2 |
Oct-91 | 315 |
335 |
L.H.P. Lang, R.M. Stulz, R.A. Walkling |
8.4 |
Event study methodology under conditions of event-induced variance | 30 |
2 |
Dec-91 | 253 |
272 |
E. Boehmer, J. Musumeci, A.B. Poulsen |
9.0 |
Market reaction to anticipated announcements | 30 |
2 |
Dec-91 | 273 |
309 |
O. Kim, R.E. Verrecchia |
5.2 |
No news is good news: An asymmetric model of changing volatility in stock returns | 31 |
3 |
Jun-92 | 281 |
318 |
J.Y. Campbell, L. Hentschel |
13.7 |
Does corporate performance improve after mergers? | 31 |
2 |
Apr-92 | 135 |
175 |
P.M. Healy, K.G. Palepu, R.S. Ruback |
10.1 |
The investment opportunity set and corporate financing, dividend, and compensation policies | 32 |
3 |
Dec-92 | 263 |
292 |
C.W. Smith, R.L. Watts |
30.0 |
Do outside directors monitor managers? Evidence from tender offer bids | 32 |
2 |
Oct-92 | 195 |
221 |
J.W. Byrd, K.A. Hickman |
12.0 |
The impact of institutional trading on stock prices | 32 |
1 |
Aug-92 | 23 |
43 |
J. Lakonishok, A. Shleifer, R.W. Vishny |
11.0 |
Common risk factors in the returns on stocks and bonds | 33 |
1 |
Feb-93 | 3 |
56 |
E.F. Fama, K.R. French |
130.0 |
Institutional trades and intraday stock price behavior | 33 |
2 |
Apr-93 | 173 |
199 |
L.K.C. Chan, J. Lakonishok |
6.4 |
Stealth trading and volatility: Which trades move prices? | 34 |
3 |
Dec-93 | 281 |
305 |
M.J. Barclay, J.B. Warner |
10.0 |
The underpricing of initial public offerings and the partial adjustment phenomenon | 34 |
2 |
Oct-93 | 231 |
250 |
K.W. Hanley |
7.6 |
Outside directors and the adoption of poison pills | 35 |
3 |
Jun-94 | 371 |
390 |
J.A. Brickley, J.L. Coles, R.L. Terry |
10.6 |
Venture capitalists and the decision to go public | 35 |
3 |
Jun-94 | 293 |
316 |
J. Lerner |
9.0 |
Appointments of outsiders to Japanese boards: Determinants and implications for managers | 36 |
2 |
Oct-94 | 225 |
258 |
S.N. Kaplan, B.A. Minton |
7.8 |
What do firms do with cash windfalls | 36 |
3 |
Dec-94 | 337 |
360 |
O.J. Blanchard, F. Lopez-de-Silanes, A. Shleifer |
5.3 |
Diversification's effect on firm value | 37 |
1 |
Jan-95 | 39 |
65 |
P.G. Berger, E. Ofek |
26.4 |
Corporate focus and stock returns | 37 |
1 |
Jan-95 | 67 |
87 |
R. Comment, G.A. Jarrell |
11.7 |
Executive compensation structure, ownership and firm performance | 38 |
2 |
Jun-95 | 163 |
184 |
H. Mehran |
13.4 |
Underperformance in long-run stock returns following seasoned equity offerings | 38 |
3 |
Jul-95 | 243 |
267 |
D.K. Spiess, J. Affleck-Graves |
9.3 |
Market underreaction to open market repurchases | 39 |
2 |
Oct-95 | 181 |
208 |
D. Ikenberry, J. Lakonishok, T. Vermaelen |
16.1 |
Do corporations award CEO stock options effectively? | 39 |
2 |
Oct-95 | 237 |
269 |
D. Yermack |
11.9 |
Poison or placebo? Evidence on the deterrence and wealth effects of modern antitakeover measures | 39 |
1 |
Sep-95 | 3 |
43 |
R. Comment, G.W. Schwert |
10.1 |
Higher market valuation of companies with a small board of directors | 40 |
2 |
Feb-96 | 185 |
211 |
D. Yermack |
39.3 |
Leverage, investment, and firm growth | 40 |
1 |
Jan-96 | 3 |
29 |
L.H.P. Lang, E. Ofek, R.M. Stulz |
9.4 |
Detecting abnormal operating performance: The empirical power and specification of test statistics | 41 |
3 |
Jul-96 | 359 |
399 |
B.M. Barber, J.D. Lyon |
18.9 |
Dealer versus auction markets: A paired comparison of execution costs on NASDAQ and the NYSE | 41 |
3 |
Jul-96 | 313 |
357 |
R.D. Huang, H.R. Stoll |
13.3 |
Market microstructure and asset pricing: On the compensation for illiquidity in stock returns | 41 |
3 |
Jul-96 | 441 |
464 |
M.J. Brennan, A. Subrahmanyam |
12.7 |
The impact of industry shocks on takeover and restructuring activity | 41 |
2 |
Jun-96 | 193 |
229 |
M.L. Mitchell, J.H. Mulherin |
11.7 |
Modeling the conditional distribution of interest rates as a regime-switching process | 42 |
1 |
Sep-96 | 27 |
62 |
S.F. Gray |
17.7 |
Grandstanding in the venture capital industry | 42 |
1 |
Sep-96 | 133 |
156 |
P.A. Gompers |
9.5 |
Industry costs of equity | 43 |
2 |
Feb-97 | 153 |
193 |
E.F. Fama, K.R. French |
50.2 |
Detecting long-run abnormal stock returns: The empirical power and specification of test statistics | 43 |
3 |
Mar-97 | 341 |
372 |
B.M. Barber, J.D. Lyon |
25.6 |
Emerging equity market volatility | 43 |
1 |
Jan-97 | 29 |
77 |
G. Bekaert, C.R. Harvey |
13.0 |
Measuring long-horizon security price performance | 43 |
3 |
Mar-97 | 301 |
339 |
S.P. Kothari, J.B. Warner |
10.6 |
Ownership and operating performance of companies that go public | 44 |
3 |
Jun-97 | 281 |
307 |
W.H. Mikkelson, M.M. Partch, K. Shah |
7.1 |
Book-to-market, dividend yield, and expected market returns: A time series analysis | 44 |
2 |
May-97 | 169 |
203 |
S.P. Kothari, J. Shanken |
5.9 |
Ownership structure and top executive turnover | 45 |
2 |
Aug-97 | 193 |
221 |
D.J. Denis, D.K. Denis, A. Sarin |
6.9 |
Market microstructure and securities values: Evidence from the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange | 45 |
3 |
Sep-97 | 365 |
390 |
Y. Amihud, H. Mendelson, B. Lauterbach |
5.4 |
Why is there a home bias? An analysis of foreign portfolio equity ownership in Japan | 46 |
1 |
Oct-97 | 3 |
28 |
J.K. Kang, R Stulz |
14.3 |
CEO turnover and outside succession: A cross-sectional analysis | 46 |
2 |
Nov-97 | 165 |
197 |
R.F. Parrino |
10.1 |
Venture capital and the structure of capital markets: Banks versus stock markets | 47 |
3 |
Mar-98 | 243 |
277 |
B.S. Black, R.J. Gilson |
13.4 |
Ownership structure, investment, and the corporate value: An empirical analysis | 47 |
1 |
Jan-98 | 103 |
121 |
M.H. Cho |
8.5 |
Larger board size and decreasing firm value in small firms | 48 |
1 |
Apr-98 | 35 |
54 |
T. Eisenberg, S. Sundgren, M.T. Wells |
12.2 |
The exercise and valuation of executive stock options | 48 |
2 |
May-98 | 127 |
158 |
J.N. Carpenter |
4.9 |
Market efficiency, long-term returns, and behavioral finance | 49 |
3 |
Sep-98 | 283 |
306 |
E.F. Fama |
39.7 |
A model of investor sentiment | 49 |
3 |
Sep-98 | 307 |
343 |
N. Barberis, A. Shleifer, R. Vishny |
33.7 |
Alternative factor specifications, security characteristics, and the cross-section of expected stock returns | 49 |
3 |
Sep-98 | 345 |
373 |
M.J. Brennan, T. Chordia, A. Subrahmanyam |
12.4 |
Earnings management and the underperformance of seasoned equity offerings | 50 |
1 |
Oct-98 | 63 |
99 |
S.W. Teoh, I. Welch, T.J. Wong |
17.7 |
The relation between implied and realized volatility | 50 |
2 |
Nov-98 | 125 |
150 |
B.J. Christensen, N.R. Prabhala |
9.7 |
Corporate governance, chief executive officer compensation, and firm performance | 51 |
3 |
Mar-99 | 371 |
406 |
J.E. Core, R.W. Holthausen, D.F. Larcker |
31.6 |
Testing static tradeoff against pecking order models of capital structure | 51 |
2 |
Feb-99 | 219 |
244 |
L. Shyam-Sunder, S.C. Myers |
13.9 |
The determinants and implications of corporate cash holdings | 52 |
1 |
Apr-99 | 3 |
46 |
T. Opler, L. Pinkowitz, R. Stulz, R. Williamson |
18.8 |
The motivation and impact of pension fund activism | 52 |
3 |
Jun-99 | 293 |
340 |
D. Del Guercio, J. Hawkins |
8.1 |
Understanding the determinants of managerial ownership and the link between ownership and performance | 53 |
3 |
Sep-99 | 353 |
384 |
C.P. Himmelberg, R.G. Hubbard, D. Palia |
26.2 |
The sensitivity of CEO wealth to equity risk: an analysis of the magnitude and determinants | 53 |
1 |
Jul-99 | 43 |
71 |
W.R. Guay |
11.8 |
Predictive regressions | 54 |
3 |
Dec-99 | 375 |
421 |
R.F. Stambaugh |
18.8 |
Do foreign investors destabilize stock markets? The Korean experience in 1997 | 54 |
2 |
Nov-99 | 227 |
264 |
H. Choe, B.C. Kho, R. Stulz |
10.4 |
The investment behavior and performance of various investor types: A study of Finland's unique data set | 55 |
1 |
Jan-00 | 43 |
67 |
M.S. Grinblatt, M. Keloharju |
16.2 |
Uniformly least powerful tests of market efficiency | 55 |
3 |
Mar-00 | 361 |
389 |
T. Loughran, J.R. Ritter |
11.7 |
Commonality in liquidity | 56 |
1 |
Apr-00 | 3 |
28 |
T. Chordia, R. Roll, A. Subrahmanyam |
13.9 |
Is the abnormal return following equity issuances anomalous? | 56 |
2 |
May-00 | 209 |
249 |
A. Brav, C. Geczy, P.A. Gompers |
9.1 |
Corporate governance proposals and shareholder activism: The role of institutional investors | 57 |
2 |
Aug-00 | 275 |
305 |
S.L. Gillan, L.T. Starks |
13.1 |
Financial flexibility and the choice between dividends and stock repurchases | 57 |
3 |
Sep-00 | 355 |
384 |
M. Jagannathan, C.P. Stephens, M.S. Weisbach |
9.9 |
The separation of ownership and control in East Asian Corporations. | 58 |
1 |
Oct-00 | 81 |
112 |
S. Claessens, S. Djankov, L.H.P. Lang |
48.1 |
Investor protection and corporate governance | 58 |
1 |
Oct-00 | 3 |
27 |
R. LaPorta, F. Lopez-de-Silanes, A. Shleifer, R. Vishny |
45.5 |
Finance and the sources of growth | 58 |
1 |
Oct-00 | 261 |
300 |
T. Beck, R. Levine, N. Loayza |
25.5 |
The information content of stock markets: Why do emerging markets have synchronous stock price movements? | 58 |
1 |
Oct-00 | 215 |
260 |
R. Morck, B. Yeung, W. Yu |
23.7 |
Financial markets and the allocation of capital | 58 |
1 |
Oct-00 | 187 |
214 |
J. Wurgler |
17.0 |
Corporate governance in the Asian financial crisis | 58 |
1 |
Oct-00 | 141 |
186 |
S. Johnson, P. Boone, A. Breach, E. Friedman |
16.5 |
Common factors in prices, order flows, and liquidity | 59 |
3 |
Mar-01 | 383 |
411 |
J. Hasbrouck, D.J. Seppi |
11.0 |
The portfolio flows of international investors | 59 |
2 |
Feb-01 | 151 |
193 |
K.A. Froot, P.G.J. O'Connell, M.S. Seasholes |
10.6 |
The theory and practice of corporate finance: Evidence from the field | 60 |
2 |
May-01 | 187 |
243 |
J.R. Graham, C.R. Harvey |
41.4 |
Disappearing dividends: Changing firm characteristics or lower propensity to pay? | 60 |
1 |
Apr-01 | 3 |
43 |
E.F. Fama, K.R. French |
23.8 |
The distribution of stock return volatility | 61 |
1 |
Jul-01 | 43 |
76 |
T.G. Andersen, T. Bollerslev, F.X. Diebold, H. Evans |
25.6 |
Stealth trading: Which traders trades move prices? | 61 |
2 |
Aug-01 | 289 |
307 |
S. Chakravarty |
9.4 |
Does Delaware law improve firm value? | 62 |
3 |
Dec-01 | 525 |
558 |
R.M. Daines |
9.5 |
Understanding the determination of managerial ownership and its relationship to firm performance: Comment | 62 |
3 |
Dec-01 | 559 |
571 |
X. Zhou |
8.1 |
The jump-risk premia implicit in options: evidence from an integrated time-series study | 63 |
1 |
Jan-02 | 3 |
50 |
J. Pan |
24.7 |
Asymmetric correlations of equity portfolios | 63 |
3 |
Mar-02 | 443 |
494 |
A. Ang, J. Chen |
17.7 |
Expectation puzzles, time-varying risk premia, and affine models of the term structure | 63 |
3 |
Mar-02 | 415 |
441 |
Q. Dai, K.J. Singleton |
10.2 |
A cross-firm analysis of the impact of corporate governance on the East Asian financial crisis | 64 |
2 |
May-02 | 215 |
241 |
T. Mitton |
12.2 |
Industry growth and capital allocation:: Does having a market- or bank-based system matter? | 64 |
2 |
May-02 | 147 |
180 |
T. Beck, R. Levine |
10.3 |
The ultimate ownership of Western European corporations | 65 |
3 |
Sep-02 | 365 |
395 |
M. Faccio, L.H.P. Lang |
37.5 |
Order imbalance, liquidity, and market returns | 65 |
1 |
Jul-02 | 111 |
130 |
T. Chordia, R. Roll, A. Subrahmanyam |
10.5 |
The market for borrowing stock | 66 |
2 |
Nov-02 | 271 |
306 |
G. D'Avolio |
14.0 |
Investor protection and equity markets | 66 |
1 |
Oct-02 | 3 |
27 |
A. Shleifer, D. Wolfenzon |
13.2 |
Breadth of ownership and stock returns | 66 |
2 |
Nov-02 | 171 |
205 |
J. Chen, H. Hong, J.C. Stein |
12.6 |
Protection of minority shareholder interests, cross-listings in the United States, and subsequent equity offerings | 66 |
1 |
Oct-02 | 65 |
104 |
W.A. Reese, M.S. Weisbach |
12.5 |
Cronyism and capital controls: evidence from Malaysia | 67 |
2 |
Feb-03 | 351 |
382 |
S. Johnson, T. Mitton |
14.6 |
Testing the pecking order theory of capital structure | 67 |
2 |
Feb-03 | 217 |
248 |
M.Z. Frank, V.K. Goyal |
14.4 |
Founding family ownership and the agency cost of debt | 68 |
2 |
May-03 | 263 |
285 |
R.C. Anderson, S.A. Mansi, D.M. Reeb |
16.2 |
The value of corporate voting rights and control: A cross-country analysis | 68 |
3 |
Jun-03 | 325 |
351 |
T. Nenova |
16.2 |
Do liquidity measures measure liquidity? | 92 |
2 |
May-09 | 152 |
181 |
R.Y. Goyenko, C.W. Holden, C.A. Trzcinka |
14.3 |
Style investing | 68 |
2 |
May-03 | 161 |
199 |
N. Barberis, A. Shleifer |
11.8 |
Corporate governance and firm profitability: Evidence from Korea before the economic crisis | 68 |
2 |
May-03 | 287 |
322 |
S.W. Joh |
11.8 |
Earnings management and investor protection: An international comparison | 69 |
3 |
Sep-03 | 505 |
527 |
C. Leuz, D. Nanda, P.D. Wysocki |
43.7 |
The great reversals: The politics of financial development in the 20th Century | 69 |
1 |
Jul-03 | 5 |
50 |
R.G. Rajan, L. Zingales |
36.6 |
Stock market driven acquisitions | 70 |
3 |
Dec-03 | 295 |
311 |
A. Shleifer, R.W. Vishny |
21.8 |
Culture, openness, and finance | 70 |
3 |
Dec-03 | 313 |
349 |
R.M. Stulz, R. Williamson |
16.2 |
China share issue privatization: The extent of its success | 70 |
2 |
Nov-03 | 183 |
222 |
Q. Sun, W.H.S. Tong |
12.5 |
Law, endowments, and finance | 70 |
2 |
Nov-03 | 137 |
181 |
T. Beck, A. Demirguc-Kunt, R. Levine |
11.5 |
Why are foreign firms listed in the U.S. worth more? | 71 |
2 |
Feb-04 | 205 |
238 |
C. Doidge, G.A. Karolyi, R.M. Stulz |
26.0 |
Corporate governance and firm value: evidence from the Korean financial crisis | 71 |
2 |
Feb-04 | 265 |
313 |
J.S. Baek, J.K. Kang, K.S. Park |
10.5 |
The effects of government ownership on bank lending | 72 |
2 |
May-04 | 357 |
384 |
P. Sapienza |
11.6 |
U.S. cross-listings and the private benefits of control: evidence from dual-class firms | 72 |
3 |
Jun-04 | 519 |
553 |
C. Doidge |
9.5 |
Firm size and the gains from acquisitions | 73 |
2 |
Aug-04 | 201 |
228 |
S.B. Moeller, F.P. Schlingemann, R.M. Stulz |
23.5 |
New lists: Fundamentals and survival rates | 73 |
2 |
Aug-04 | 229 |
269 |
E.F. Fama, K.R. French |
9.5 |
An econometric model of serial correlation and illiquidity in hedge fund returns | 74 |
3 |
Dec-04 | 529 |
609 |
M. Getmansky, A.W. Lo, I. Makarov |
12.8 |
Cross-country determinants of mergers and acquisitions | 74 |
2 |
Nov-04 | 277 |
304 |
S. Rossi, P. Volpin |
12.6 |
Predicting returns with financial ratios | 74 |
2 |
Nov-04 | 209 |
235 |
J. Lewellen |
12.2 |
Managerial succession and firm performance | 74 |
2 |
Nov-04 | 237 |
275 |
M.R. Huson, P.H. Malatesta, R. Parrino |
10.8 |
Information content of equity analyst reports | 75 |
2 |
Feb-05 | 245 |
282 |
P. Asquith, M.B. Mikhail, A.S. Au |
19.2 |
The risk and return of venture capital | 75 |
1 |
Jan-05 | 3 |
52 |
J.H. Cochrane |
11.8 |
Can foreign firms bond themselves effectively by renting U.S. securities laws? | 75 |
2 |
Feb-05 | 319 |
359 |
J. Siegel |
10.9 |
Comovement | 75 |
2 |
Feb-05 | 283 |
317 |
N. Barberis, A. Shleifer, J. Wurgler |
10.7 |
Does function follow organizational form? Evidence from the lending practices of large and small banks | 76 |
2 |
May-05 | 237 |
269 |
A.N. Berger, N.H. Miller, M.A. Petersen, R.G. Rajan, J.C. Stein |
22.0 |
There is a risk-return tradeoff after all | 76 |
3 |
Jun-05 | 509 |
548 |
E. Ghysels, P. Santa-Clara, R. Valkanov |
13.5 |
Financing decisions: who issues stock? | 76 |
3 |
Jun-05 | 549 |
582 |
E.F. Fama, K.R. French |
10.5 |
Law, finance and economic growth in China | 77 |
1 |
Jul-05 | 57 |
116 |
F. Allen, J. Qian, M. Qian |
29.3 |
Asset pricing with liquidity risk | 77 |
2 |
Aug-05 | 375 |
410 |
V.V. Acharya, L.H. Pedersen |
28.4 |
Does financial liberalization spur growth? | 77 |
1 |
Jul-05 | 3 |
55 |
G. Bekaert, C.R. Harvey, C. Lundblad |
23.4 |
Payout policy in the 21st century | 77 |
3 |
Sep-05 | 483 |
527 |
A Brav, J. Graham, R. Michaely, C.R. Harvey |
23.2 |
Valuation waves and merger activity: The empirical evidence | 77 |
3 |
Sep-05 | 561 |
603 |
M. Rhodes-Kropf, D.T. Robinson, S. Viswanathan | 14.0 |
What drives merger waves? | 77 |
3 |
Sep-05 | 529 |
560 |
J. Harford | 12.7 |
Institutions, ownership and finance: The determinants of profit reinvestment among Chinese firms | 77 |
1 |
Jul-05 | 117 |
146 |
R. Cull, L.C. Xu | 10.7 |
The costs of entrenched boards | 78 |
2 |
Nov-05 | 409 |
433 |
L.A. Bebchuk, A. Cohen | 15.7 |
Short interest, institutional ownership, and stock returns | 78 |
2 |
Nov-05 | 243 |
276 |
P. Asquith, P.A. Pathak, J.R. Ritter | 11.4 |
Short sales, institutional investors, and the cross-section of stock returns | 78 |
2 |
Nov-05 | 277 |
309 |
S. Nagel | 10.7 |
Managerial incentives and risk-taking | 79 |
2 |
Feb-06 | 431 |
468 |
J.L. Coles, N.D. Daniel, L. Naveen | 21.7 |
The impact of performance-based compensation on misreporting | 79 |
1 |
Jan-06 | 35 |
67 |
N. Burns, S. Kedia | 18.8 |
Partial adjustment toward target capital structures | 79 |
3 |
Mar-06 | 469 |
506 |
M.J. Flannery, K.P. Rangan | 18.2 |
Separating microstructure noise from volatility | 79 |
3 |
Mar-06 | 655 |
692 |
F.M. Bandi, J.R. Russell | 14.4 |
R2 around the world: New theory and new tests | 79 |
2 |
Feb-06 | 257 |
292 |
L. Jin, S.C. Myers | 14.3 |
How do family ownership, control, and management affect firm value? | 80 |
2 |
May-06 | 385 |
417 |
B. Villalonga, R. Amit | 48.2 |
CEO incentives and earnings management | 80 |
3 |
Jun-06 | 511 |
529 |
D. Bergstresser, T. Philippon | 21.7 |
Momentum and post-earnings-announcement drift anomalies: the role of liquidity risk | 80 |
2 |
May-06 | 309 |
349 |
R. Sadka | 12.6 |
Efficient tests of stock return predictability | 81 |
1 |
Jul-06 | 27 |
60 |
J.Y. Campbell, M. Yogo | 15.6 |
Dividend policy and the earned/contributed capital mix: a test of the lifecycle theory | 81 |
2 |
Aug-06 | 227 |
254 |
H. DeAngelo, L. DeAngelo, R.M. Stulz | 10.1 |
Entry regulation as a barrier to entrepreneurship | 82 |
3 |
Dec-06 | 591 |
629 |
L. Klapper, L. Laeven, R. Rajan | 15.0 |
The conditional CAPM does not explain asset-pricing anomalies | 82 |
2 |
Nov-06 | 289 |
314 |
J. Lewellen, S. Nagel | 11.7 |
Corporate governance and the value of cash holdings | 83 |
3 |
Mar-07 | 599 |
634 |
A. Dittmar, J. Mahrt-Smith | 21.5 |
Multi-period corporate default prediction with stochastic covariates | 83 |
3 |
Mar-07 | 635 |
665 |
D. Duffie, L. Saita, K. Wang | 15.4 |
Firms' histories and their capital structures | 83 |
1 |
Jan-07 | 1 |
32 |
A. Kayhan, S. Titman | 10.3 |
Does backdating explain the stock price pattern around executive stock option grants? | 83 |
2 |
Feb-07 | 271 |
295 |
R.A. Heron, E. Lie | 10.1 |
Housing, consumption and asset pricing | 83 |
3 |
Mar-07 | 531 |
569 |
M. Piazzesi, M. Schneider, S. Tuzel | 10.0 |
Private credit in 129 countries | 84 |
2 |
May-07 | 299 |
329 |
S. Djankov, C. McLiesh, A. Shleifer | 34.0 |
Politically connected CEOs, corporate governance, and Post-IPO performance of China's newly partially privatized firms | 84 |
2 |
May-07 | 330 |
357 |
J.P.H. Fan, T.J. Wong, T. Zhang | 21.1 |
Insider trading in credit derivatives | 84 |
1 |
Apr-07 | 110 |
141 |
V.V. Acharya, T.C. Johnson | 10.9 |
The determinants of corporate board size and composition: An empirical analysis | 85 |
1 |
Jul-07 | 66 |
101 |
A.L. Boone, L.C. Field, J.M. Karpoff, C.G. Raheja | 22.4 |
Why do corporate managers misstate financial statements? The role of option compensation and other factors | 85 |
3 |
Sep-07 | 667 |
708 |
J. Efendi, A. Srivastava, E.P. Swanson | 14.0 |
Is there a diversification discount in financial conglomerates? | 85 |
2 |
Aug-07 | 331 |
367 |
L. Laeven, R. Levine | 12.1 |
Does industry-wide distress affect defaulted firms? Evidence from creditor recoveries | 85 |
3 |
Sep-07 | 787 |
821 |
V.V. Acharya, S.T. Bharath, A. Srinivasan | 10.5 |
Why do countries matter so much for corporate governance? | 86 |
1 |
Oct-07 | 1 |
39 |
C. Doidge, G.A. Karolyi, R.M. Stulz | 17.3 |
Monitoring: Which institutions matter? | 86 |
2 |
Nov-07 | 279 |
305 |
X. Chen, J. Harford, K. Li | 14.8 |
Asset fire sales (and purchases) in equity markets | 86 |
2 |
Nov-07 | 479 |
512 |
J.D. Coval, E. Stafford | 13.8 |
Boards: does one size fit all? | 87 |
2 |
Feb-08 | 329 |
356 |
J.L. Coles, N.D. Daniel, L. Naveen | 31.0 |
The determinants of board structure | 87 |
2 |
Feb-08 | 308 |
328 |
J.S. Linck, J.M. Netter, T. Yang | 27.6 |
Corporate governance and firm cash holdings in the U.S. | 87 |
3 |
Mar-08 | 535 |
555 |
J. Harford, S.A. Mansi, W.F. Maxwell | 14.0 |
Pricing the commonality across alternative measures of liquidity | 87 |
1 |
Jan-08 | 45 |
72 |
R.A. Korajczyk, R. Sadka | 11.0 |
The Colors of Investors' Money: Which Firms Attract Institutional Investors From Around the World? | 88 |
3 |
Jun-08 | 499 |
533 |
M.A. Ferreira, P. Matos | 14.3 |
Political connections and preferential access to finance: the role of campaign contributions | 88 |
3 |
Jun-08 | 554 |
580 |
S. Claessens, E. Feijen, L. Laeven | 11.9 |
Dumb money: mutual fund flows and the cross-section of stock returns | 88 |
2 |
May-08 | 299 |
322 |
A. Frazzini, O.A. Lamont | 11.6 |
The consequences to managers for financial misrepresentation | 88 |
2 |
May-08 | 193 |
215 |
J.M. Karpoff, D.S. Lee, G.S. Martin | 10.7 |
Who makes acquisitions? CEO overconfidence and the market's reaction | 89 |
1 |
Jul-08 | 20 |
43 |
U. Malmendier, G. Tate | 22.9 |
Financing patterns around the world: are small firms different? | 89 |
3 |
Sep-08 | 467 |
487 |
T. Beck, A. Demirguc-Kunt, V. Maksimovic | 10.3 |
Venture capital reputation and investment performance | 90 |
2 |
Nov-08 | 127 |
151 |
R. Nahata | 8.0 |
Does the use of peer groups contribute to higher pay and less efficient compensation? | 90 |
2 |
Nov-08 | 152 |
168 |
J.M. Bizjak, M.L. Lemmon, L. Naveen | 6.9 |
High idiosyncratic volatility and low returns: international and further U.S. evidence | 91 |
1 |
Jan-09 | 1 |
23 |
A. Ang, R.J. Hodrick, Y. Xing, X. Zhang | 17.2 |
Idiosyncratic risk and the cross-section of expected stock returns | 91 |
1 |
Jan-09 | 24 |
37 |
F. Fu | 15.5 |
Has New York become less competitive in global markets? Evaluating foreign listing choices over time | 91 |
3 |
Mar-09 | 253 |
277 |
C. Doidge, G.A. Karolyi, R.M. Stulz | 12.0 |
Why is PIN priced? | 91 |
2 |
Feb-09 | 119 |
138 |
J. Duarte, L. Young | 10.0 |
Bank governance, regulation and risk taking | 93 |
2 |
Aug-09 | 259 |
275 |
L. Laeven, R. Levine | 29.0 |
The price of sin: the effects of social norms on markets | 93 |
1 |
Jul-09 | 15 |
36 |
H. Hong, M. Kacperczyk | 12.5 |
Cost of capital effects and changes in growth expectations around U.S. cross-listings | 93 |
3 |
Sep-09 | 428 |
454 |
L. Hail, C. Leuz | 11.7 |
It pays to have friends | 93 |
1 |
Jul-09 | 138 |
158 |
B. Hwang, S. Kim | 10.8 |
Women in the boardroom and their impact on governance and performance | 94 |
2 |
Nov-09 | 291 |
309 |
R.B. Adams, D. Ferreira | 18.5 |
Opaque financial reports, R2, and the distribution of crash risks | 94 |
1 |
Oct-09 | 67 |
86 |
A.P. Hutton, A.J. Marcus, H. Tehranian | 8.3 |
Are family firms more tax aggressive than non-family firms? | 95 |
1 |
Jan-10 | 41 |
61 |
S. Chen, X. Chen, Q. Cheng, T. Shevlin | 11.6 |
Does corporate governance matter in competitive industries? | 95 |
3 |
Mar-10 | 312 |
331 |
X. Giroud, H. Mueller | 10.2 |
A skeptical appraisal of asset-pricing tests | 96 |
2 |
May-10 | 175 |
194 |
J. Lewellen, S. Nagel, J. Shanken | 15.4 |
When are outside directors effective? | 96 |
2 |
May-10 | 195 |
214 |
R. Duchin, J.G. Matsusaka, O. Ozbas | 9.2 |
Bank lending during the financial crisis of 2008 | 97 |
3 |
Sep-10 | 319 |
338 |
V. Ivashina, D. Scharfstein | 28.0 |
The real effects of financial constraints: evidence from a financial crisis | 97 |
3 |
Sep-10 | 470 |
487 |
M. Campello, J.R. Graham, C.R. Harvey | 22.2 |
The subprime mortgage credit crisis and contagion in financial markets | 97 |
3 |
Sep-10 | 436 |
450 |
F.A. Longstaff | 12.2 |
Costly external finance, corporate investment, and the subprime mortgage credit crisis | 97 |
3 |
Sep-10 | 418 |
435 |
R. Duchin, O. Ozbas, B.A. Sensoy | 11.2 |
Tunneling through inter-corporate loans: The China experience | 98 |
1 |
Oct-10 | 1 |
20 |
G. Jiang, C.M. Lee, H. Yue | 9.4 |
Bank activity and funding strategies: The impact on risk and returns | 98 |
3 |
Dec-10 | 626 |
650 |
A. Demirguc-Kunt, H. Huizinga | 9.4 |
Simple formulas for standard errors that cluster by both firm and time | 99 |
1 |
Jan-11 | 1 |
10 |
S.B. Thompson | 20.5 |
Bank CEO incentives and the credit crisis | 99 |
1 |
Jan-11 | 11 |
26 |
R. Fahlenbrach, R.M. Stulz | 18.5 |
Does governance travel around the world? Evidence from institutional investors | 100 |
1 |
Apr-11 | 154 |
181 |
R.K. Aggarwal, I. Erel, M.A. Ferreira, P.P Matos | 11.0 |
Ownership structure and the cost of corporate borrowing | 100 |
1 |
Apr-11 | 1 |
23 |
C. Lin, Y. Ma, P. Malatesta, Y. Xuan | 10.5 |
Financial literacy and stock market participation | 101 |
2 |
Aug-11 | 449 |
472 |
M. van Rooij, A. Lusardi, R. Alessie | 18.3 |
Securitized banking and the run on repo | 104 |
3 |
Jun-12 | 425 |
451 |
G. Gorton, A. Metrick | 25.7 |
Econometric measures of connectedness and systemic risk in the finance and insurance sectors | 104 |
3 |
Jun-12 | 535 |
559 |
M. Billio, M. Getmansky, A.W. Lo , L. Pelizzon | 13.7 |
Neglected risks, financial innovation, and financial fragility | 104 |
3 |
Jun-12 | 452 |
468 |
N. Gennaioli, A. Shleifer, R. Vishny | 12.0 |
Global, local, and contagious investor sentiment | 104 |
2 |
May-12 | 272 |
287 |
M. Baker, J. Wurgler, Y. Yuan | 11.7 |
The short of it: Investor sentiment and anomalies | 104 |
2 |
May-12 | 288 |
302 |
R.F. Stambaugh, J. Yu, Y. Yuan | 10.0 |
Endogeneity and the dynamics of internal corporate governance | 105 |
3 |
Sep-12 | 581 |
606 |
M.B. Wintoki, J.S. Linck, J.M. Netter | 13.0 |
* All papers that have an average of 10 or more citations per year since publication, or the papers that are one of the top two papers in the volume in terms of average citations per year for each volume through 2010. |